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Weight Loss Myths

How to Stop Eating Foods That Make You Fat

      I f it comes to listing the foods that make you fat, junk and sugary food being the most infamous should be on top of the list. In fact the question,  how to stop eating foods that make you fat?  , should be replaced with, how to stop eating junk and sugary foods? If you could only avoid these two, you won’t ever have to worry about getting fat or reducing weight. It’s easier said than done, simply because they are so toothsome .However, their consumption must be controlled, if you are to reduce weight or control it. Here are some good suggestions to help you do so. Forget about dieting You may diet for sometime but this food deprivation will end up into a binge eating episode that undoes the effects of your weight loss efforts. The solution is DONT DIET. You should adopt a healthy lifestyle and allow yourself a rare treat of what you like to eat but in a calculated manner. Breakfast like a king A protein rich breakfast is the best meal to begin a ne...
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Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

 How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks Let’s face a hard fact. It is probably impractical to lose belly fat in 2 weeks. It’s quite disappointing but before you leave the page to find the same information on some other, let me tell you a few important things. You cannot lose belly fat in two weeks DOES NOT mean you cannot lose it. Following a diet is really hard. Isn’t it? The weight you lose will come back again once you stop. Instead of following an impractical diet plan or crunching your bones in the gym, why not to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This article is still focused on how to lose belly fat. You can make considerable changes in your diet and avoid a few things to achieve your desired DIET CHANGES Abs are built in the kitchen. How much we weigh, very much depends on what we eat. Proteins Human body burns more energy processing proteins than it does processing carbs and fat. That’s why diets high in protein work great at burning your belly fat. You can add lean meat, fish, poultry...

Fat Burning Foods for Women

Fat Burning Foods for Women The life of a woman is so jam-packed with work at office or at home with kids or in the kitchen. You aren’t left with any time of our own and gain fat on your belly and all around. It’s high time for you to get back into shape again and for that you have to do SOMETHING. Thinking I would suggest you to join a gym or go on a diet? If you had time to spend hours in the gym ,then why  after all you would  have gained these extra pounds. Dieting also may seem hard to stick to faithfully. Don’t lose hope. You can get rid of these extra pounds by sensible eating and exercising but gradually. However, if you want to lose fat quickly you can add some proven fat burning foods for women that I have listed below. Ginger The primary cause of body fat is poor blood circulation. Ginger is scientifically proven to dilate blood vessels. Thus, it improves blood circulation to the most unreachable parts of the body such as belly and saddle bags. ...

How to Use Protein Shakes for Weight Loss

Protein Shakes for weight loss   How true is this statement? Well, protein shakes cannot directly influence weight loss but they can help weight loss in 2 different ways. Before we analyze what these ways are, let’s take a look at what constitutes a protein shake, what variety is available and why should be have one? Protein Shake – What’s the deal Protein shake is usually available in powdered form and by percentage of macro-nutrients, it is very high in Protein. This protein can be extracted from various sources of protein by using complex methods. The source can be egg, soy, milk (Whey), milk and (Casein). There are other relatively less known types available as well. Each source that I just mentioned has its own absorption rate. This means that how fast it is absorbed, from the stomach and into your body. Absorption rates for these sources are given as follows, in grams per hour: Raw Egg Protein 1.4 g/h Cooked Egg Protein 2.9 g/h     ...

7 Fast Ways to Lose Weight

7 Fast Ways to Lose Weight Nearly everyone wants to find fast ways to lose weight. Diet pills don’t work, and it seems that there is a new weight loss book on the market every week. Worse, the books all recommend different things! Figuring out which advice to follow is frustrating at best, but there are a few tricks you can use to lose weight fast. 1.) Control Your Blood Sugar Even people who don’t have diabetes can benefit from practicing strict blood sugar control. Get a glucose monitor, and test yourself before and after every meal. By adjusting your portion sizes and carbohydrate intake, you can keep your blood sugar between 70-130 mg/dL. Many people report losing up to twenty pounds in a single month just by keeping their blood sugar within this range, so that makes blood sugar control one of the best fast ways to lose weight without pills. 2.) Lift a Bowl of Soup If you hate lifting weights and running, try a soup diet. Any type of soup will work, but those with h...

21 Day Flat Belly Fix Review Can It Help You Burn Belly Fat?

         I n this review, you’re going to discover if Todd Lamb’s program can help you lose weight without starving yourself and without any strenuous exercise.        Most of us are not happy with the way our bodies look. Some of us could’ve done with a better hairline, broader shoulders, fuller lips or something else. However, one problem that seems to unite more people than anything else is the big belly. Call it a beer belly or a big tummy, no amount of cuteness can hide how miserable an extended gut can feel. Once you cross the threshold at 40, things get even worse. At this age your body is barely cooperative and losing stubborn fat can be a task all in itself.        There is no shortage of products in the market that promise to help you get rid of this excess belly fat. Right from nutritional supplements, fat blasting pills, exercise equipment and meal replacement shakes; there is no dearth of programs...

"LEPTITOX" Weight loss product_ Review

Strange "water hack" burns 2lbs overnight,Over 160,000 women and men are using a simple and secret “water hack” to drop 1-2lbs every night as they sleep. It’s easy and works every time. PRODUCT REVIEW__ I’ve never had the impulse to write a review for a product before. I figure people will discover for themselves how good something is without my help. But after trying the Leptitox supplements this changed; I knew I had to help other people understand what this product offers, since it gave me what I had been after for years. I personally didn’t find Leptitox because of a review, I found it because I was desperate. I had been struggling with my weight since I was a teenager and after a few decades had had enough. I had been on every diet imaginable (low-fat, low-carb, fruit fasting... I tried everything) as well as various health products and workout programs. I spent time and money on things I hoped would change me. So I came to Leptitox with a LOT of s...

Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Even After Following A Diet Plan

         Weight loss diet is a big concern for many and is often the first priority in their fitness plan. Weight loss is not easy and it requires discipline, efforts and patience. It can be achieved by a healthy lifestyle which includes the right diet as well as regular physical activity. Below are the five common reasons for weight gain that most of us overlook.           1. Hormones Remember when you are hungry but actually angry? There is a term for that, and it is called hangry! The anger is an emotional or mood specific response to hunger, something controlled by hormones. It is proven that hormones can either make you fat or even result in weight loss. They form a complex hormonal cocktail that greatly influences hunger, feeling of fullness, even fat storage pattern and the places it gets stored. 2. Vitamins and minerals Miss them and you miss weight loss goals! So you thought that burger hur...