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How to Stop Eating Foods That Make You Fat

     If it comes to listing the foods that make you fat, junk and sugary food being the most infamous should be on top of the list. In fact the question, how to stop eating foods that make you fat? , should be replaced with, how to stop eating junk and sugary foods? If you could only avoid these two, you won’t ever have to worry about getting fat or reducing weight. It’s easier said than done, simply because they are so toothsome .However, their consumption must be controlled, if you are to reduce weight or control it.

Here are some good suggestions to help you do so.

Forget about dieting

You may diet for sometime but this food deprivation will end up into a binge eating episode that undoes the effects of your weight loss efforts. The solution is DONT DIET. You should adopt a healthy lifestyle and allow yourself a rare treat of what you like to eat but in a calculated manner.

Breakfast like a king

A protein rich breakfast is the best meal to begin a new day to ensure lesser food cravings. This could be ‘modus operandi of the day’ to avoid foods that make you fat.

Have your full beauty sleep

It’s necessary to have a good, peaceful sleep to keep your hands of foods that make you fat. After spending a sleepless night you‘ll feel like having something like coffee or a quick shot of something sweet or junky to overcome the fatigue. Obviously, the quantity in such a situation will be enormous to sabotage your waistline.

Buy carefully

Read the labels behind the sauces, flavoured yogurt, and the other ready-to-cook processed foods. It will help you cut down many of the unwanted calories that creep in unknowingly. Instead of buying needless calories in bottles and cans, prepare your own stuff at home. It will be healthier and cheaper too.

Low fat/sugar versions foods

If you feel like having chicken, have it roasted instead of deep fried. Boiled eggs are better than fried ones. Don’t stop yourself from having French Fries but have baked ones. Serve yourself with nature’s best fruits like apples and grapes if you feel like having something sweet.


You can chose from a wide variety of seafood such as fish, prawns, crabs and lobsters etc. These protein packs make sure that you stay energetic with a feeling of full stomach for longer periods of time. It helps stop eating foods that make you fat.

Fruits, veggies and nuts

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber. A fiber rich diet means that you will have a feeling of full stomach with lesser quantity. Moreover it helps in bowel movement too.

Healthy Snacking

I won’t suggest you not to snack, as almonds are there. Being rich in protein, they make you feel satiated and full. Apples are no less than almonds for snacking. Both require a lot of chewing which signals the brain that you’ve had enough to eat.

If you are in the habit of binge eating then I suggest you take 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. Make sure you eat sensibly, every time you do i.e. choosing the right type and portion of food.

If losing weight is the objective of your visit to this page then exercise and water are the red words for you. They boost the results of your weight loss efforts to a great extent.
Follow my sayings; make them your habits to adopt a healthy lifestyle that makes you stay away from foods that make you fat.


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  1. I will decided that I will remove the word of diet in my dictionary by reading this article. I will follow all the tips you describe.


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